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R20 Static 2.5 /7.5 degrees Tilt Head Only

R20 Static 2.5 /7.5 degrees Tilt Head Only
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R20 Static 2.5 /7.5 degrees Tilt Head Only


  • SKU: F6170
  • Weight: 0.083g
  • UPC Code: 641378087608

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QRG – Ultimate R1/R10 
(French) Français: Nodal Ninja Ultimate R1 – Tête pano avec anneau 

Level: Amateur - Pro - Google.

Lenses: Fisheye 4.5-17 mm.

Features: Smallest Pano Head, fits in pocket, repeatable results, fits to lens not camera

Uses: 360x180 Spherical Panoramas, Google Street Views, Google Business Views, Real Estate

Cameras: Any - fit based on lens

The R20 is the smallest, lightest precision built Nodal Ninja to date - even smaller and lighter than the R10. Optimized for mirror-less cameras and fisheye lenses. A single row pano head with built-in tilt options of +/2.5 degrees and +/-7.5 degrees, ideal for fisheye with about 180 degrees angle of view along the width of image sensor, such as converted Samyang 7.5 mm F3.5 on APSC mirror-less cameras and the new Nodal Ninja 7.3 mm F4 Fisheye on MFT system. The lens ring clamp mounts directly onto the lens itself, freeing up the camera. Different cameras can be used on the same lens without adjusting any settings.

Customers upgrading from R10, the No Parallax Point (NPP) will change according to below table.

Tilt Angle LRP Value for R20 Compared to R10
+7.5° +0.53
+2.5° +0.49
-2.5° +0.47
-7.5° +0.43

Features and Highlights:

Arca Swiss Compatible quick release design.

Built-in +/-2.5 degrees and +/-7.5 degrees tilt, ideal for single row spherical panorama using (cropped) circular fisheye. Change to other tilt options by flipping the vertical rail.

Rolling the camera/lens in any position including the popular 0, 60 and 90 degree positions.

Lens clamp permanently mounted to lens making reproducible mounting possible, and much quicker to set up.

Different cameras can be used on the same lens without adjusting any settings.

Compact and lightweight.

Small nadir footprint.

Built-in spirit bubble level.

1.5 kg (3.3 lb) recommended loading

30-day money-back guarantee.

5-year warranty.


R20 Tilt Head.

Neoprene soft case.

Hex key.



How to Mount a Lens Ring onto the R Series Panorama Tripod Heads

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