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How Repeat Works – MECHA C1 and C2 Controllers

Today in this video we will talk about the MECHA's preset Repeat setting.
This setting tells MECHA that the preset should be executed more than once, while No Repeat means that the preset should be executed only once.
Let us load the factory preset "FE 12mm NZ Level" and change the No Repeat setting to Repeat, using the Custom option.
The value specified in this field represents the delay for Repeat, in seconds.
A number followed by an asterisk specified before the delay tells MECHA how many times to repeat a shooting sequence.
We will not specify it this time, since we only need one repeat, and 1 can be omitted.
We have two cases.

Case 1: If the delay is positive, it is counted from the end of the previous execution. In our example, 20 seconds between the end of the first execution and the beginning of the next one.
Launch the preset with the RIGHT button.
The first preset execution: 4 shots around, then one nadir shot, and one zenith shot.
Then have a look at the OLED display (if you are using a C2 Controller)
and note the countdown of the delay in seconds.
Then the preset is executed once more.

Case 2: Starting with firmware version (1)2425, the repeat delay can also be negative, which means that the delay is counted from the beginning of the previous execution.
We will load the factory preset "FE 12mm NZ Level" again, then we will specify a negative repeat delay using the Custom option.
Make sure the absolute value of the delay is greater than the preset execution time, otherwise the repeat is executed as soon as the previous execution ends.
For example, if the preset execution time is 40s, you can set a repeat delay of -60s.
The number of repeats is 1, so it can be omitted.
You will notice that the result is similar to the one in case 1.
Let us save the preset this time.
Then use the RIGHT button in the User Interface to launch it.
Position 1, 2, 3, 4, the nadir shot, and the zenith shot.
Now the OLED shows the seconds left until the repeat will start
(the set negative value is not displayed here).
Then the preset is executed once more.

So far, we have set a single repeat, and now we want to show you how to set several repeats.

Let us go back to case 1, positive delay, which is counted from the end of the previous execution.
Since we did not save the first preset, we have to load again the factory preset "FE 12mm NZ Level".
Enter the number of repeats followed by the asterisk symbol, then the delay.
We are setting 10s this time.
Now save the preset, so you can use it later. Then launch it with the RIGHT button.
This preset is similar to the first preset, only that instead of one repeat, there will be three.
The first execution.
10s delay countdown.
The delay is counted each time from the end of the previous execution.
The first repeat.
10s delay countdown..
The second repeat.
10s delay countdown..
And the third (and last) repeat.

Now let us go back to case 2, negative delay, which is counted from the beginning of the previous execution.
We will load our case 2 saved preset
and specify the number of repeats the same as before,
3 followed by the asterisk symbol, and leave the delay as it is, negative 60s.
The delay is counted each time from the beginning of the previous execution.
Save the preset, if needed.
This preset is similar to the case 2 preset, only that instead of one repeat, there will be three.
Then launch it with the RIGHT button.
The first execution.
The seconds left until the start of the first repeat.
On the C1 Controller, the delay appears exactly like a pause.
The first repeat.
The seconds left until the start of the second repeat.
The second repeat.
The seconds left until the start of the third repeat.
And the third (and last) repeat.

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