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How to Shoot a High Resolution Landscape Panoramic Image

Jason shares the workflow he uses to shoot for hire. How to shoot a high resolution landscape panoramic image at 35mm. This is a 3 row panorama with wide a FOV of 120°. First row 30° down, 2 row 7.5°, 3rd row 15° up. He uses 30% overlap between images both horizontally and vertically. 

He has shot literally 100's if not over a thousand of commercial landscape jobs across the country using this very workflow. Many of his images are gallery worthy pieces of art. While he primarily shoots outdoor scenes at a slightly higher ISO he can get away with manually clicking the shutter release. In low light situations and slower speeds, and especially if shooting in HDR use a remote shutter release. Listen to the finer details he shares and comment below if you have any questions. This is a multi-row panorama workflow for wide landscape photography for amazing panoramic images.

Special shout out to Jeff Handley of http://360niche.com/

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