



Translate MECHA’s Web UI into Your Own Language

Translating MECHA's User Interface is a very easy task. 
Access MECHA's User Interface from your computer or phone via Wi-Fi.
For example, access the Row page.

Click the info button, and then the EDIT button of a UI control.
Let's translate the description of the RIGHT button, to show how the translation feature works.
Enter your text in the text fields.
If the UI control is button type, in the first field enter a button caption.
You may translate the interface from English to English in your own words, if you want.

The translation window has its own controls.
The OK button allows you to preview some of the changes made (without saving them).
Click the Save button to save all the changes made to the User Interface.
The Export button allows you to download the lang.txt file, which contains the descriptions of all the UI controls (for bulk editing in a text editor, for example, or for sharing with other users).

Let's open the lang.txt file with a text editor and change the caption of the LEFT button.
Always change only the text in quotation marks and be careful not to accidentally delete the quotation marks.
At the end, don't forget to save the file.

If you want to upload to MECHA a translated version of the User Interface, then use the Import button.
This may be a file you got from another user, or your own file. The file name must be "lang", and the extension, "txt".

By default, the translated version of the User Interface is displayed.
If for some reason you need to switch to the original version, add "?en" to the page url.
Delete the "?en" from the url to go back to the translated version.

The translated version of the User Interface can be deleted by accessing the /delang page.
So add /delang after the IP in the browser address bar, then access this page.

After deleting the lang.txt file, the original version of the User Interface will be displayed.

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